Monday, March 17, 2025

Comptoir Des Cotonniers' Mother & Daughter Casting for Spring '10 Campaign

10/01/2009 10:09:00 AM Posted by Christina

Ever have girls' day with your mom and someone walks by and says, "Is that your mom? You two look like sisters!" Just me? Ok.

Anyway, Comptoir des Cotonniers is hosting a mother and daughter casting for their spring '10 campaign. I would love to get all dressed up and pose in front of a lens with my gorgeous mommy.

The casting call is this Sunday, October 4th at the Comptoir des Cotonniers boutique at 155 Spring St. and at their shop-in-shop at Bloomingdale's on 59th St. and Lexington Ave., both in NYC.

So if you're in the area, recruit mom and stop by the casting call for the opportunity to be the face for the brand for the season! Wait, there's more. You get an all expense paid trip to Paris to grace the runway with your presence at Comptoir des Cotonniers' spring '10 show on November 23rd. If that isn't enough to convince you to audition, I don't know what is.

The casting call is from 3pm-7pm on October 4th. You know the drill, don't forge to tell me all about it!

0 glam rants:

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Florida, United States
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” -Coco Chanel //Versatility equates fashion and style with knowledge about how to embrace a trend and make it your own. Purple Glamour offers advice on how to develop one's personal style through what to wear from a shopping day to a night out on the town, current trends, frequent fashion news updates and the best of street style.