About Purple Glamour
8/20/2009 01:52:00 AM Posted by Christina
Hey there! Welcome to Purple Glamour : )
Just a brief intro...
My name's Christina. I'm a 23-year-old aspiring fashion journalist and freelancer. Purple Glamour is like my own little fashion publication. I blog about anything I read or hear about, that intrigues me.
I love all things fashion, thus, Purple Glamour (if you haven't already noticed) is a fashion blog! Here you will find, helpful style tips, timely fashion news, exclusive interviews with movers and shakers in the fashion industry, and boutique and designer reviews.
Purple Glamour's mission is to promote fashion professionals, designers and even stylish readers who aren't considered "mainstream". I lived in NYC, had two awesome internships, and decided the big city wasn't somewhere that I wanted to live. Although I love the culture and often blog about happenings in the area, I focus mostly on interesting people that you don't normally hear about.
I have had awesome opportunities through blogging, and am living proof that your dreams will become a reality if you aren't afraid to take a chance.
Click on each category on the top of the home page to view posts labeled in each section.
I post links from the previous week in the "Last Week on Purple Glamour" section.
I post an innovative look under "Purple Glamour Style" for weekly inspiration. The looks are mostly inspired my mood that week, or something I recently saw.If you like what you see, add your e-mail address to my subscriber list, to receive daily e-mails when I publish new posts!
For more information, questions and feedback, e-mail me at contact.purpleglamour@gmail.com
Thanks again for reading, and I look forward to your feedback!
xoxo, Christina
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